


Fedora Troubleshooting Diary ver 1.0

A few months ago, I switched my main operating system from Windows 11 to Fedora and started my "tinkering journey".

Installing NVIDIA proprietary drivers#

To be updated

Adding Flathub repository#

Although Fedora comes with a few official repositories, the number of software available is quite limited, and many of them are several versions behind. Therefore, it is necessary to add third-party repositories for supplementation.

I chose Flathub as the supplementary repository because it offers a wide range of software, including Tencent Meeting and Netease Cloud Music (although the official Linux version of Netease Cloud Music seems to have some issues).

You can choose to directly run the official .flatpakrepo file to automatically enable this repository, or manually install it by entering the following command in the terminal:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

After installation, open the default Fedora App Store, and you should see many new software options.

Configuring Rime input method#

Although the Chinese input method in Fedora's default iBus is considered "usable," the lack of vocabulary is a problem... While it is possible to import custom vocabulary, the effort required to convert and organize the vocabulary is quite significant. Moreover, the vocabulary repositories on GitHub are outdated. Therefore, it is better to switch to a different input method. Here, I chose Rime as my input method.

Installing Rime on Fedora is very simple. Just run the following command in the terminal:

sudo dnf install rime

After installation, restart the system. You can use Rime after adding it as an input method in the settings. For the first use, deployment needs to be done in the input method selection window.

By the way, the default Middle Chinese input scheme in Rime is traditional Chinese. If you need simplified Chinese, please refer to other people's configuration schemes. Since I don't care about the traditional/simplified Chinese issue, I didn't do any further configuration (actually, I was just lazy).

As for the configuration scheme, I only used Dongfengpo to install emoji support.

The installation process is as follows:

curl -fsSL https://git.io/rime-install | bash  # Install the configuration manager and default recipes
cd plum # Enter the Dongfengpo directory
bash rime-install emoji # Install the emoji configuration
bash rime-install emoji:customize:schema=luna_pinyin # Add candidate emojis in the input scheme, using "luna_pinyin" as an example

After installation, redeploy to start using it.

Configuring Wine#

To be updated

Installing GNOME extensions#

To be updated

Software recommendations#

To be updated

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